3 Essentials to Fall In Love With Journaling

So, you’ve been wanting to journal for awhile.

You’ve fantasized about being one of “those” people.

You know, the ones who sit in coffee shops journaling or lounging next to the water writing furiously in their notebook…

You have even gone as far as to buy some cute journals but it never really….


You couldn’t get into it.

The good news is, we’ve got you covered with today’s post, so let’s dive right in!

3 Essentials to Fall in Love with Journaling

  1. Schedule your dedicated Journaling time.

    This might sound self explanatory to you, or you might be saying to yourself “ I don’t even have time to brush my teeth let alone journal” but here’s the thing…. Unless you set the intention and schedule a designated time to journal it’s just TOO easy to skip. So make sure whatever time you pick is sacred and cannot be touched. Even if that means asking your partner to watch the kids or locking yourself in the bathroom - whatever it takes to get it done.

    Personally I love to journal in the mornings after I get the kids off to school before starting my work day, and I also love to journal in the evenings after everyone is in bed when the house is clean and quiet. I also just keep my journal with me in case I need it randomly during the day for an ah ha moment OR a moment of frustration. You don’t have to journal for a long period of time, you could even start with just 5 minutes at first, but set a timer, put your phone down and just start writing. Before you know it, you’ll be journaling for hours a day… Okay maybe not, but you’ll likely lose track of time as you cultivate and deepen your relationship with yourself through your journaling practice.

  2. Get a cute journal and pen that EXCITE you!

    Okay hear me out.
    You could totally buy a $3 journal at the store and use that old ballpoint pen you stole from the bank, but how many times have you done that before and just never ended up using them?

    Maybe that journal is still sitting on your shelf even…

    When you have a high quality product that genuinely excites you to use, you are way more likely to use it. It’s like the difference between wearing old clothes to workout in vs buying yourself a cute ass new Lululemon outfit that you cannot wait to wear. You feel super sexy when you put it on and you like the way the fabric feels on your body. It fits just right. You pay extra attention when you wash them, dry them, and put them on. You care for them. And when you workout in them you feel like a boss. PLUS you spent money on them and you don’t want that to go to waste! It’s the same with your journal. The more you treasure your journal and the way it makes you feel, the more you will fall in love with the journaling process.

  3. Just sit there…. and write already!

    So now that you’ve set aside some time and space, and you’ve gotten your gorgeous journal, it’s time to get started. This step trips up a lot of women when it comes to journaling.

    You just don’t know what to write.

    But here’s the thing. There is no right or wrong way to journal. You might write like a letter. You might write like a prayer. You might write as if you’re a future version of yourself. You might write a recount of your day, or even make lists. At first it can feel kind of awkward, you might find yourself writing things like “I don’t know what to write in here, this is awkward…. But I’ve wanted to journal for a long time and I know this practice can change my life so I’m sitting here doing it anyway…” and that’s perfect. Start exactly where you are today. Anything and everything is perfect when it comes to how you journal. This is your space to write out all of those things that you don’t dare admit to ANYONE. The secrets you have within, the things you don’t even admit to yourself that you think and feel. The beauty, the pain… The pages of your journal are THE place to let ALL of that out. And that is why journaling can feel like therapy. It’s a place to let it all go. Let it all hang out.

As you write in your journal and get into your own groove that feels really good with it, you’ll begin to uncover parts of yourself you didn’t even know were there.

That’s the amazing thing about writing and journaling in general, we’re actually able to tap into the subconscious mind and uncover aspects of ourselves that we were unaware of. From this space, when we’re open to radical honesty and responsibility, we can unleash the magic that lives within all of us.

It’s also a great way to get your emotions out on the page instead of emotionally dumping on others around you. I can’t tell you how many time I sat down to journal feeling in a funk and walked away feeling so empowered because I was able to uncover and release what was really weighing on me in my unconscious mind that I had no idea was there.

As humans we’re triggered all the time, and most of the time we don’t know why.

Your journal is your space to discover just that.

Get yourself a gorgeous journal and get to know yourself on a new level and see what kind of magic is available to you.


4 Reasons to Start Journaling Right Now!


How to Kick Start Your Journaling Practice